SITUATION: StoneGate Senior Living, a leading provider of senior living services in Texas, Colorado, and Oklahoma, wanted to grow post-acute care (PAC) referrals in its Tyler, Texas market. There, the company has three facilities: Lindale, Park Place, and Providence Park. StoneGate recently piloted a Central Intake Center (CIC), enabling providers to make one call for referrals from acute care. Through this initiative, CIC’s certified case manager and a transitional care admissions director recommend the PAC setting that best matches each patient’s needs. To stay top of mind and promote the CIC, StoneGate sought to test our SMART Content solution, combining powerful content, social media, and digital ads to reach its target market.
APPROACH: StoneGate provides a personalized approach to each patient placed in a StoneGate facility. The CIC seeks to make patient placement easy and seamless by identifying the best-fit facility, level of care, and treatment plan for each patient based on individual needs and preferences while ensuring care continuity. Our program aligned StoneGate’s CIC solution with timely, relevant topics that its prospects – including discharge planners, case managers, and hospital executives – wanted to read. Topics ranged from reducing readmissions to succeeding under bundled payment models and building alliances with PAC partners to better coordinate patient care. Our SMART Content positioned StoneGate’s one-call intake as the number to call when patients are discharged from the hospital – while highlighting StoneGate as a service-oriented, patient-centered, and exceptionally caring organization. Articles were placed on the StoneGate website; distributed through all relevant social channels, including LinkedIn and online forums; and promoted to community and influencer blogs and social channels.
IMPACT: We used a proprietary return on investment forecasting model to track activity from website clicks and the corresponding impact on business growth. Over a three-month timeframe, 740 website visits generated 71 new leads – translating to 28.7 percent growth year over year.

SITUATION: Connatser Family Law wanted to differentiate its firm for families looking for compassionate, yet sage legal expertise. They have a NEW standard in family law, and in the event a family crisis struck, the wanted their brand to come to mind. Family Law is complex, intensely emotional and requires a level of confidential, yet compassionate care. At the same time, the legal team must be competent and sophisticated, to solve cases within a challenging legal environment.
APPROACH: SMART Content Stories like 5 Crucial Steps Dads Should Take to Get Custody in Texas, Affairs Happen (ahem…Ashley Madison), 3 Ways Cheating Affects Texas Divorces, and 3 “For Better or Worse” Implications Gay Couples Face Following SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling led to local coverage with WFAA-TV, KRLD-AM, WBAP-AM and KLIF-AM, positioning Connatser as an authoritative voice that differentiates them from competitors.
The stories were distributed to their target audience via online social groups, search engine optimization and earned media.
IMPACT: In the first 120 days, our efforts led to a greater than 25% increase in new client revenue.
Connatser has been a client partner for over 2 years.