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Conscious Company

What Truly Differentiates a Conscious Business?

Despite the growing trend towards conscious capitalism and conscious business across the globe, recent disruptions in our world have caused us to re-evaluate the way we do business. While many would agree change was inevitable, there is a significant amount…

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Billboards To Illustrate Brand Positioning

Repositioning Your Brand to Increase Its Value

Why are customers willing to pay more for some products, than others? Why are some brands able to generate higher profits than others, even within the same industry? The answer lies not in marketing or advertising strategies, and many times…

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How to Grow Revenue-You Can’t Sell Without Leads

Businesses are either growing or dying. Like living organisms, businesses need to grow, innovate, rejuvenate and then expand. Although there are times when it makes sense to retreat and pull back, business growth comes from expanding – revenue, profit, services,…

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Three Elements to Consistent Business Growth

Steady revenue and business growth is the best indicator of a healthy business. As a serial entrepreneur and business growth expert, I’ve found three elements contribute to consistent business growth: Identifying Innovators as your Primary Target Market Building a Demand…

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Five Business Growth Trends for 2019

Over the past few years, the Promote On Purpose team highlighted several business growth strategies and insights.  As we kick off 2019, we've compiled 5 business growth predictions from our ongoing research: 1) A “Tiered” Recession is Underway: Yes, it’s…

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