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  • Terri Maxwell
    Terri Maxwell
    Chief Executive Officer
  • Leigh Ann Seger
    Leigh Ann Seger
  • Jeff Brady
    Jeff Brady
  • Lisa D’Andrea Maxwell
    Lisa D’Andrea Maxwell
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Bob Prince
    Bob Prince
    Manager, Digital Media
  • Stephanie Renna
    Stephanie Renna
    Director - Talent
  • Pam Abrahamsson
    Pam Abrahamsson
    Media and Communications Director
  • Bailey Heil
    Bailey Heil
    Creative Lead
  • Nick Lobuzzetta
    Nick Lobuzzetta
    Marketing Analyst & Engagement Leader
  • Beverly Isla
    Beverly Isla
    Engagement Leader
  • Fatima Garanzuay
    Fatima Garanzuay
    Digital and Engagement Coordinator
  • Art Young
    Art Young
    Senior Writer
  • Mary Maloney
    Mary Maloney
    Senior Writer
  • Allison Dienstman
    Allison Dienstman
    Senior Writer
Terri Maxwell
Chief Executive Officer

Terri is a serial entrepreneurial geek who considers building businesses better than a party. Her love for business is matched only by her passion for life.

Oh, and…football.

Leigh Ann Seger

leigh annLeigh Anne is passionate about cultivating possibilities within people and organizations. She loves unlocking potential to generate results. Her favorite phrase is “What if….”

Jeff Brady

Jeff is a well-known news anchor who had the inspired vision for what is now Promote On Purpose. He loves news, his kids, his beautiful wife, and the Aggies. But we don’t hold that against him.

Lisa D’Andrea Maxwell
Chief Financial Officer

Lisa manages the money, and is also our Culture Captain.  Although most people find it odd that our CFO is our Culture Captain…there’s a reason why we’re so successful in creating a performance culture.

Bob Prince
Manager, Digital Media

Bob is our technical Guru around here. We call upon his extensive knowledge of the digital world to assist our team members with their clients’ digital media needs and to help bridge the communication gaps with geek-speak.

Stephanie Renna
Director - Talent

Stephanie has been with our company since 2012, and has played just about every role possible. She now serves as our Director – Talent ensuring we hire the best associates and accelerate their passion for winning.

Pam Abrahamsson
Media and Communications Director

Pam is an award-winning public relations expert and delivers top-tier media results for a global list of clients. She is passionate about technology, business, and health securing revenue-driving media coverage.

Bailey Heil
Creative Lead

baileyBailey is a passionate Creative Leader, crafting captivating campaigns that propel our client’s brand awareness and visibility to reach their goals. Driven by her creativity, Bailey thrives on the art of storytelling through visuals and content that “stop the scroll.” With an eye for engaging graphics and a strong focus on branding, she weaves narratives that resonate with our client’s audiences. When she’s not at work, you can find Bailey painting, baking, and spending time with her family and her dog, Zeppelin.

Nick Lobuzzetta
Marketing Analyst & Engagement Leader

nickNick is a passionate digital marketer who enjoys slicing and dicing numbers to deliver comprehensive analysis. He uses his expertise to help look deep into data to identify trends and insights that provide strategy direction and actions to support client’s growth. (He’s also a big Disney fan!)

Beverly Isla
Engagement Leader

Beverly’s nickname is “Road Runner” – beep-beep. She brings her vast experience in business operations and processes to the team. In her spare time, she loves making rescue dogs happy and meditating among the trees.

Fatima Garanzuay
Digital and Engagement Coordinator

Fatima’s experience in social media and development enables her to create engaging content that will leave a lasting impression. She brings an innovative and fresh perspective to the team.

When she’s not writing or creating new strategies, she can be found planning her next travel destination or spending time with her dog.

Art Young
Senior Writer

Over the past 35 years Art has interviewed some of the most interesting people in the world and used these conversations to develop a diverse catalog of compelling stories. He is a writer, blogger, podcaster, broadcaster and frequent speaker on subjects ranging from technology to healthcare, to music to outdoor sports, and too many other subjects to mention. If content is king, then Art must be its strongest emissary.



Mary Maloney
Senior Writer

When she isn’t refereeing cage matches between her two Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Mary loves debating the pros and cons of the Oxford comma. She also believes every brand should define and embrace its brand voice.

Allison Dienstman
Senior Writer

Allison DentisonAllison is a content marketing expert specializing in copywriting and search engine optimization. Her career spanning two decades includes business development for a Shanghai-based environmental engineering company, providing viral content for media outlets, and projects with Fortune 500 companies (Booking, OpenTable, KAYAK). Allison provides impactful storytelling for brands not only driven by the vision to succeed but also to contribute to the greater good. She graduated from the College of William and Mary with a BA in Chinese Language & Literature and minor studies in Spanish & Italian.

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